Montreal Digital Week
October 12 - 17, 2021
Montreal Digital Spring in partnership with The Digital Spring in Brussels and Milieux Institute (Concordia University) will present a video programme, prepared with outreach, accessibility, and COVID-19 safety measures in mind. From October 12 to 17 2021, two trucks equipped with large LED screens will transit around these cities showcasing the works of thirteen Belgian and Canadian artists.
Artists: Laura Acosta & Santiago Tavera / Pascale Barret / Frederik De Wilde / Milena Desse / LarbitsSisters / Eva L’Hoest / Frances Adair Mckenzie et Alisha Piercy / Rojin Shafiei / Camille Turner / Sarah Wendt and Pascal Dufaux
VIDEO//PLAY RELOADED : On-site Travelling Programme in Montreal and in Brussels
Curated by Erandy Vergara

Camouflaged Screams is an immersive and interactive installation which has been adapted into a single channel video performance piece for Printemps Numerique. This cinematic experience explores the (a)symbiotic relationship between humans and the natural environment, as well as, how the concept of camouflage can be an empowering method for consciously choosing how to position oneself within an environment.
This work presents uncanny forms covered in ornate camouflaged gowns, moving sensuously within Canadian natural landscapes. They are foreign bodies, which are simultaneously adapting to, and altering the scenery around them. Through the interaction between movement and textiles, along with further digital intervention, the forms become progressively more deformed until they become part of the landscape itself. This work aims to reflect on how we are not separate from the environment that surrounds us and how our presence has the power to alter it. Our atrophied relationship with the natural landscape is exemplified by COVID-19, among other environmental crises, which stem from the failure to regard human and nature as equal. This audio visual experience calls for a conscious relationship with our surroundings.




We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.
Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien.